Information on earning points

How to calculate points

  • For every KRW 1,000 of fare paid, a base of 7 points are accumulated.
  • Point accumulation rates vary by fare class: 70% for Light, 100% for Standard, and 120% for Flex.
  • Gold members accumulate approximately 60% more points, and Diamond members accumulate approximately 115% more points.
  • Payments made for items other than fare, including tax, fuel surcharge and additional services, do not accumulate points.
  • The validity of points is 3 years from the date of being accumulated.
  • Points can be earned as long as membership registration is completed before the end of the journey.


  • Fare paid for (excluding any discounts offered)
  • Excluding airport tax, fuel surcharge and other taxes
  • For flights departing from a destination outside of Korea, the fare is converted into Korean KRW for calculation

Rate of point accrual

  • A base rate of 0.7% (A rate of 7 points for every KRW 1,000)
  • For Gold members, approximately 60% more points are accumulated (A rate of 11 points for every KRW 1,000)
  • For Diamond members, approximately 115% more points are accumulated (A rate of 15 points for every KRW 1,000)

Example of point calculation

  1. When a Blue status member purchases a ticket with a ticket fare of KRW 300,000

    2,100 points are earned.

  2. When a Gold status member purchases a ticket with a ticket fare of KRW 300,000

    2,100 points + extra 1,200 points are earned.

  3. When a Diamond status member purchases a ticket with a ticket fare of KRW 300,000

    2,100 points + extra 2,400 points are earned.

Exceptions for Point Accrual

  • Points cannot be accrued for the discounted ticket which is not eligible for points, regardless of the booking class.
  • Point accrual is not possible for airline tickets purchased using points.
  • Ticket for infants under the age of two, who do not occupy seats, is not eligible for point accrual.
  • Point accrual is available for seats for passengers, not for large instruments.

How to earn points

  • When entering the passenger information, enter your mobile phone number or membership number.
  • Once check-in and boarding are complete and the flight takes off, points are automatically accumulated.

If you did not enter your membership number at the time of booking

  • Are you an Air Premia member but did not enter your membership number at the time of booking your flight?

    On the page for upcoming trips, you can add your membership number.

  • It doesnt matter if you were not an Air Premia member when booking a ticket.

    If you sign up before the end of the journey, youll be able to apply for points through e-mail ([email protected]) inquiry.

    Sign up as a member right now and enjoy the benefits of abundant points accumulation.

How to add missing points

  • Adding missing points is not possible if you are not an Air Premia member at the time the flight arrives at the destination.

    It’s not too late even if you were not a member at the time of boarding. You can accumulate your points after taking the flight if you had joined the membership before the flight arrived at the destination!

  • Adding missing points is only possible for one year following the date of boarding.
  • Adding missing points is possible only when the name in the membership and the name of the passenger who boarded the flight match.
  • Adding missing points is possible only when the passenger’s name in English (on the passport) and the name in English registered in the membership match with the same spelling.

International flights

How to add missing points

Adding missing points is only possible on the Air Premia website.
Are you an Air Premia member?

Log in to enjoy more benefits.

Air Premia Reservations

Republic of Korea +82) 1800 - 2626
United States Office hours: 6am-5pm Weekdays (PST, English) +1) 213 - 626 - 2083 Office hours: Weekdays 7am-6pm,
Weekends 9am-6pm(KST, Korean / English)
+1) 213 - 221 - 3786 +1) 917 - 503 - 9903
Japan +81) 50 - 6864 - 8094
Thailand +66) 2156 - 0918

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Log in to enjoy more benefits.