Plans for relief and compensation for air transport passengers
1. Legal rationale : Article 61 of the Airline Industry Act and Article 64 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act
2. Circumstances in which compensation shall be offered
- Non-implementation or delay of transport by the air transport operator
- Loss or damage of checked-in baggage
- Over-booking of flight tickets
- Delay in the refund of cancelled flight tickets
- Inability to board due to not being offered information on the boarding gate or flight number
- Omission of air mileage due to the fault of the airline
- Expiration of air mileage without prior notice by the airline
- Difficulty in boarding the aircraft due to equipment for facilitated mobility not being installed in accordance with Article 2 Clause 7 of the Act on the Improved Mobility Convenience of Transport Minorities
- However, exceptions shall be made and no compensation shall be offered for harm or inconvenience that occurred as a result of bad weather, unanticipated maintenance for safe operation of the aircraft, Force Majeure events or connections of the aircraft
Conditions related to aircraft connections :
- A delay in the approval from air traffic authorities due to a stand-by for take-off or in mid-air
- A delay in the operation of the aircraft due to congestion on the tarmac
- A delay in the operation of the aircraft due to measures being taken against terrorism or infectious diseases
- A delay in the operation of the aircraft due to issues in the airport facilities
- Other causes as recognized by the local air travel authorities
3. Establishment and operation of a reception center to process compensation for harmed or inconvenienced customers
- Where to submit claims for damages or inquire on related matters
- Email inquiries and claim submissions :
- Inquiries and claim submissions by post: Passenger Sales Team/ Booking Center, Sales and Strategy Headquarters, 4th floor, 248 Gonghangdaero, Gangseo-Gu, Seoul, Korea
- Claim submissions in person : Branch offices of Air Premia at airports throughout Korea(during office hours)
- Phone inquiries : +82-1800-2626 (09:00~18:00)
- Processing deadline : Notification is sent within 14 days of receiving the application for damage relief (However, in certain circumstances, such as when translation is needed to investigate the case, the notification is sent within 60 days and the reasons for the delay will be noted on the notification form)
- How information is provided on the results of the case processing : The applicant can choose between text message or email at the time of filling out the application form.
- How to appeal : After receiving notification of the case processing results, the customer can file an appeal by email, including their case reception number and passenger name. The case is then forwarded from the airline to the Korea Consumer Protection Agency.
- Roles and responsibilities of the department for grievances and relief
- Airport branch Submission of application for relief of damages
- Booking center : Reception and processing of application for relief of damages
4. Flow chart for the processing of relief of damages
Fill out and submit
the application form for relief of damages
Upon the request by the customer or
in the case of an appeal,
the case is forwarded to the Korea Consumer Protection Agency
Air Premia
Receipt ticket is handed out for
the application form for relief of damages submitted
Air Premia
Case processing results
Customer notification
Air Premia
Investigation is conducted
on the case
Air Premia
How to address the case
is reviewed
based on relevant laws and the terms and conditions
Air Premia
- If the case cannot be handled by the airline or if there has been a request by the customer, the case can be forwarded to the Korea Consumer Protection Agency within 14 days of receiving the application for relief, under the Consumer Basic Act.
Download the application form for relief of damages incurred by a passenger of air travel